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Greenhead College

A net zero carbon design 4-storey teaching block

Greenhead College lab room with students working


Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom


Galliford Try


Ryder Architecture

The Greenhead College campus is one of the first education buildings built as part of the Department for Education’s (DfE) School Rebuilding Programme. The £25m Hirst Building is a new 6000m2, 4-storey teaching block, providing modern general and science teaching spaces, dining and social spaces, and a new Main Hall/Lecture Theatre.

Our expertise encompassed building services, sustainability, civil, structural, and geotechnical engineering, aligning with the DfE’s Net Zero Carbon in Operation (NZCiO) requirements. Our innovative design featured a fabric-first approach, extensive ventilation heat recovery, air source heat pumps, and a biodiverse roof with solar PV integration.

Marko Amezaga-Kutija, Senior Civil Engineer, commented “Due to strict planning restrictions and complex site constraints including protected trees and limited plot size, the project was challenging from the outset. A great collaborative working attitude between the design team and contractor enabled us to deliver a successful project. We were able to alleviate flood concerns on site and reduce the overall surface water discharge to the public combined sewer network through the usage of SuDS”

Key fact

The new block's bio-solar roof generates renewable electricity and provides a habitat for wildlife.


Key fact

The green roof helps to cool the immediate area around the panels themselves, helping to ensure their efficient operation during warmer weather.


Jordan standing outside in front of the office facade

Jordan Todd

Principal Engineer, Sustainability

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The multi-disciplinary team helped to achieve an efficient design which enhances the existing college campus while helping to reduce operational energy and incorporate low carbon materials into the design
