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West Coventry Academy

A net zero carbon school chosen among 50 DfE-funded projects, showcasing educational advancement in the region

Front entrance of the West Coventry Academy with signage above the door


Coventry, United Kingdom


Bowmer + Kirkland


Stride Treglown

West Coventry Academy, situated in the Tile Hill area of Coventry, is a vibrant secondary school. It is selected as one of the 50 schools funded by the Department for Education (DfE) under the School Rebuilding Programme (SRP), standing as a testament to educational growth in the region. Cundall provided building services engineering and sustainability services for the construction of a modern master block school and an accompanying sports block, built on an existing school site. The teaching block and sports block is linked by a bridge, designed to ensure clear segregation from the main teaching block.

To achieve net zero carbon in operation, our team implemented a passive design strategy, surpassing standard Building Regulation requirements by enhancing the thermal performance of the building fabric and minimising air permeability. Utilising cross-flow natural ventilation, ensures a continuous flow of fresh air throughout occupied spaces, promoting ventilation and mitigating overheating. We optimised plant selections by incorporating ventilation systems with exceptionally low Specific Fan Powers (SFPs) and integrating high-performance heat recovery devices. Additionally, we adopted a low-temperature heat network, employing air source heat pumps for efficient heating.

Peter Hazzard, Partner, commented 'Our building services engineering team worked closely with the sustainability team, to develop a design tailored to the school's needs. We prioritised features such as cross-flow natural ventilation and optimised plant selections by incorporating ventilation systems with exceptionally low Specific Fan Powers (SFPs) and integrating high-performance heat recovery devices.'

Key fact

Photovoltaic arrays contribute significantly to meeting the school's energy requirements, generating onsite renewable energy and storage where possible.


Key fact

As a backup, a gas fired boiler plant has been utilised for the sports and swimming block only.


Key fact

Our lighting solution integrates LED technology with intelligent controls and daylight dimming, further reducing energy consumption and overall operational demand.


Peter Hazzard in beige suit and acoustics feature background

Peter Hazzard

Partner, Building Services

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We delivered a state-of-the-art school that not only meets educational needs but also sets a new sustainability standard. With Cundall's expertise, we've achieved net zero carbon in operation through careful design and efficient systems. This school is a beacon of environmental responsibility and academic excellence, shaping a brighter future for our community.
