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Unlock knowledge, forge innovation - a recap of Warsaw digital fest week

Education By Wojtek Stec, Partner, Sustainability – 10 October 2023

Speaker standing in office presenting with projection of presentation on wall  with staff looking on


Wojtek Stec in pale blue shirt with street background of trees and white walls

Wojtek Stec

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In the fast-evolving landscape of design and engineering, staying at the forefront of technological innovations isn't just a goal – it's a necessity. This belief formed the foundation of our recent Digital Fest Week, held in Warsaw from August 7th to 11th. But why is such an event important for our team's growth and our company's future?

Knowledge unleashed, horizons expanded

As we ventured into the digital week, the aim was clear: to expand our horizons and tap into the full potential of modern tools. It wasn't just focused on our engineering Revit team; rather, every member of our technical, administrative, and management family was invited to join this transformative journey. The significance? When we grasp the power of new tools together, we're ready to meet challenges and bring our projects to new heights.

Expert guidance, concrete learning

At the heart of the event was the presence of Maciej Krezolek, our Global Digital Automation and Analytics Lead from UK. With his expertise, Maciej led a series of interesting sessions, each designed to equip us with real skills. From AI-driven parametric design to the essentials of Python, Dynamo, and Power Query, our team soaked in the knowledge required to turn ideas into reality.

Adaptation to a digital world

In the realm of design and engineering, the landscape is rapidly shifting toward a digital frontier. Our ability to thrive in this era depends on how we embrace digital tools that streamline processes and automate tasks. The Digital Fest Week introduced us to a number of tools – pyRevit, Power Query, Python, ChatGPT, Revit plugins, myRevit, and more – revolutionising how we work. This adaptation is more than an option; it's a survival strategy that keeps us relevant and competitive.

Collaboration enhanced by AI

While innovation is a driving force, collaboration remains the base of our achievements. Enter ChatGPT, an AI-powered tool that we explored during the workshop session. Learning to effectively interact and collaborate with AI-driven prompts opens up exciting possibilities for efficient problem-solving. The result? A team that's not just working together, but co-creating with technology.

Our digital journey ended with a presentation for our clients, where we unveiled the realm of AI, parametric design, and the future of engineering. This sharing of knowledge not only positions us as thought leaders but also cements the trust our clients and partners place in us and belief in our capabilities.

“I am truly humbled and overwhelmed by the success of Digital Fest Week in Warsaw. This incredible journey wouldn't have been possible without the participation, enthusiasm, and dedication of every single member of our technical, administrative, and management team,” said Maciej Krezolek.

“People, energy and commitment have allowed us to take a leap forward in our understanding and utilisation of the cutting-edge tools that will undoubtedly shape the future of our industry and our company”

He added. So, why was Digital Fest Week vital for our team? Because it was a transformative journey, an investment in our skillset, and confirmation of our commitment to engineering excellence. As the digital landscape evolves, we're equipped not just to adapt but to lead, innovate, and shape the future.
